»NOV 2024»

Operation Dragon Spear
» Operation Dragon Spear is a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Research, Development, and Acquisition Experiment (RDAX) designed to enhance Joint Special Operations Forces (SOF) capabilities in countering weapons of mass destruction (CWMD) and is hosted at the Guardian Centers of Georgia LLC.
By bridging gaps between joint forces, interagency partners, multinational allies, and industry, Operation Dragon Spear promotes unity of effort and rapid technology transition from strategic to general-purpose forces.
»SEP 2024»
» United States Special Operations Command’s (USSOCOM) Directorate of Science and Technology (S&T) Futures and UK Strategic Command (UKStratCom) seek to develop concepts under the theme, “Smart Cities: Future Challenges for Special Operations Forces (SOF). The event seeks to explore the challenges of physical and remote SOF operations in a range of future complex smart cities scenarios. In support of those efforts, a Rapid Capability Assessment (RCA) will be conducted on the 16th – 20th of September 2024 in the UK and will require full-time participation (~0830-1700 UTC each day) from successful applicants.
RCA15 aims to support and inform the next step in the USSOCOM S&T Futures and UKStratCom process. During this event, selected concepts from early stages, will be developed further into concept capabilities. A group of experts from industry, academia, and defense will develop potential capability solutions that include market research of possible technology partners, a subsystem-level architectural breakdown, and a technology development roadmap. The teams will also generate initial Work Breakdown Structures and potential contract language to support follow-on capability definition.

»FEB 2024»

» Arctic Warrior Experiment (AWE) is Norwegian Special Operations Commands (NORSOCOM) arena to test cold-weather gear in rugged terrain and arctic conditions. In 2025 NORSOCOM will team up with United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and host TE25-1 – “Arctic Technical Experimentation” in Norway.